The Gold Coast H.O.G.® Chapter was founded on the 16th March 1989, and it was formed to bring members together for the common interest of the promotion of motorcycling activities in a family-oriented atmosphere. The Gold Coast Chapter upholds the ideals as set by H.O.G.® International.
Gold Coast Harley Owners Group® is a recreational motorcycle club that consists of like-minded Harley-Davidson® owners that enjoy riding these magnificent machines. We are a group of people coming from all walks of life from various types of occupations and professions.
For more information about Gold Coast H.O.G.® Email Info
How Often Do We Meet?
We meet as a chapter a minimum of 3 times a month for chapter rides and social gatherings. Rides leave from the Gold Coast Harley-Davidson dealership or Bunnings Nerang Car Park. Joining our chapter gives you access to our events page to view Chapter ride dates and details and register for rides. Chapter rides are organised by the Road Captain and Ladies of Harley rides by the L.O.H.® Officer. These rides are open to all members. Each ride is carefully planned and supported by a Tail End Charlie (TEC) to ensure the safety of members on the ride.